[2021-12-21 14:44:28] Beginning of log [2021-12-21 14:44:28] Loading the delete operation for wordpress (5.5.1, stable)... [2021-12-21 14:44:28] Fallback log file ready [2021-12-21 14:44:28] Pre-run checks successfully executed. We are in the user's directory (/homez.1671/bridgee) [2021-12-21 14:44:28] Will now fork for asymmetric operations... [2021-12-21 14:44:28] Process forked. Starting the operations... [2021-12-21 14:44:28] Starting 'delete'... [2021-12-21 14:44:28] Starting the creation of the temporary directory... [2021-12-21 14:44:28] Temporary directory successfully created. [2021-12-21 14:44:28] Probing the server for the archive size... [2021-12-21 14:44:28] The archive size is 17649411 bytes and there is 14428397440 bytes remaining in the directory [2021-12-21 14:44:28] Starting fetching wordpress 5.5.1 (stable) from the repository... [2021-12-21 14:44:30] The module has been successfully downloaded [2021-12-21 14:44:30] The language-specific module files archive is not available, using the default one [2021-12-21 14:44:30] Starting the comparison between the module folder and the module reference... [2021-12-21 14:44:30] Found a similarity of 100% [2021-12-21 14:44:30] The module seems to be here [2021-12-21 14:44:30] Starting the purge of the module folder... [2021-12-21 14:44:30] Force mode enabled: the folders will be completely removed no matter if they are empty or not [2021-12-21 14:44:30] 1 folder(s) have been added to the purge list [2021-12-21 14:44:30] Files archive located at 'OVH_TMPCACHE_2021-12-21at14.44.28.0-320/files.tar' [2021-12-21 14:44:30] The file 'erospholy.fr/wp-content/plugins/akismet/_inc/form.js' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-content/plugins/akismet/_inc/form.js' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:31] The file 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/blocks/classic/block.json' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/blocks/classic/block.json' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:31] The file 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/blocks/subhead/block.json' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/blocks/subhead/block.json' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:31] The file 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/position.min.js' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/position.min.js' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:31] The file 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/widget.min.js' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/widget.min.js' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:31] The file 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles-rtl.css' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles-rtl.css' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:31] The file 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles.css' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles.css' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:31] The file 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles-rtl.min.css' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles-rtl.min.css' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:31] The file 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles.min.css' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles.min.css' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:31] The file 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/block-patterns/quote.php' can't be removed and has been skipped because of: The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/block-patterns/quote.php' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:31] 19 files have not been removed (only the first ten are shown) [2021-12-21 14:44:31] The additional folders 'erospholy.fr/wp-admin' are being removed... [2021-12-21 14:44:31] All additional folders have been removed [2021-12-21 14:44:31] The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-includes/blocks/subhead' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:32] The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-admin/user' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:32] The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-admin/network' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:32] The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-admin/maint' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:32] The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-admin/js/widgets' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:32] The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-admin/js' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:32] The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-admin/includes' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:32] The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-admin/images' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:32] The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-admin/css/colors/sunrise' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:32] The resource 'erospholy.fr/wp-admin/css/colors/ocean' does not exist [2021-12-21 14:44:32] 19 folders have not been removed (only the first ten are shown) [2021-12-21 14:44:32] The purge of the module folder has been done successfully [2021-12-21 14:44:32] Starting deletion of the module folder... [2021-12-21 14:44:32] Module folder successfully removed [2021-12-21 14:44:32] Starting callback because of: The deletion has been done successfully [2021-12-21 14:44:32] Building POST request to the callback system... [2021-12-21 14:44:32] End of callback log [2021-12-21 14:44:32] Get events config from /etc/ovh-event/moduleCredentials.json [2021-12-21 14:44:32] Decode events config [2021-12-21 14:44:32] Check events config [2021-12-21 14:44:32] Prepare and sign request [2021-12-21 14:44:32] Send request (attempt 1) [2021-12-21 14:44:38] Send request (attempt 2) [2021-12-21 14:44:49] Send request (attempt 3) [2021-12-21 14:45:09] Send request (attempt 4) [2021-12-21 14:45:34] Send request (attempt 5) [2021-12-21 14:46:04] Can't send the POST request to the callback system because of 'Can't connect to 'http://prod.gra1.api-event.webhosting.lb.gra-1.containers.ovh.net' because of 'The sub timed out while on watchdog'' [2021-12-21 14:46:04] Trying to restore everything... [2021-12-21 14:46:04] Restoring files... [2021-12-21 14:46:04] The restore action failed because of 'The command failed with exit code 1 because of: rsync: --one-filesystem: unknown option rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1596) [client=3.1.3]' after the callback action failed [2021-12-21 14:46:04] Starting deletion of the temporary directory... [2021-12-21 14:46:04] Temporary directory successfully removed [2021-12-21 14:46:04] End of log